Home Lab (v5)

New Version= New Hardware & Software.

Required Equipment:

Chassis: Free from a fellow nerd.
Motherboard: Supermicro $239.99
Processor: Intel 2.0Ghz 8-Core $279.00
RAM: 24Gb: $151.00
SSD 240Gb Drive*:  $109.99
Power Supply*: $69.49
Heat Sink*: $36.99

Subtotal = $886.46

Note: Items marked with * were purchase new.

Optional Equipment:

APC Smart UPS 500W: $100
APC 9630 NW Management Card: $100

Total = $1,086.46

I am using the physical switches from my V4 lab for the V5. This type of setup and others are described in the INE document  found here.

Keep in mind, I wanted to build a server for not only a study lab but for a home media server lab as well. A lab strictly just for studying could most likely be built for a little less money than what I have done here with less RAM and less processing power.